, sna_image_name, spt_image_path=None, dpi=300, papertype='a4', orientation='horizontal', bl_upload_s3=False, st_s3_bucket=None, srt_s3_bucket_folder=None)[source]

Saves Graph Locally, and also upload to S3 if requested

Given figure object,

plt: `matplotlib.pyplot`

a matplotlib pyplot object from a graph that was just generated

sna_image_name: `string`

image name, without the suffix of png

spt_image_path: `string`, optional

path to image, if None, then use default local path in detect_store_path()

dpi: `integer`, optional

image dpi

papertype: `string`, optional

One of ‘letter’, ‘legal’, ‘executive’, ‘ledger’, ‘a0’ through ‘a10’, ‘b0’ through ‘b10’.

orientation: `string`, optional

‘horizontal’ or ‘portrait’

bl_upload_s3: `bool`, optional

if file will be uploaded to s3

st_s3_bucket: `string`, optional

Assuming that AWS credentials are already stored in the container on EC2 or locally in a .aws credential file. So st_s3_bucket bucket name refers to bucket in the credentialed user’s s3 account.

srt_s3_bucket_folder: `string`, optional

folder in s3 bucket to store image

tuple[bool, string]

returns boolean if on amzn splatform, then the directory where to store save files