Other Sites

Here is a link to other associated Packages and Sites:

Python Sites and Packages

  1. Python examples: Py4Econ tutorial

  2. Python research support package: pyfan support

R Sites and Packages

  1. Introductory Statistics for Economists (Undergraduate Intro Course): Stat4Econ

  2. R Data and Optimization Examples and Tutorial: R4Econ

  3. R Data and Optimization Examples and Package: REconTools

Matlab Sites and Packages

  1. Intro Mathematics for Economists Mathematics for Economists (Matlab Live Codes): Math4Econ

  2. Matlab Matrix and Graphs Examples and Tutorials: M4Econ

  3. Matlab Dynamic Programming and Tools: MEconTools

Other Sites

  1. Stata Examples Regressions and Tables: Stata4Econ

  2. Latex Code Examples for Papers: Tex4Econ